Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Going from Here to There: 3 Small Habits to Fuel Big Changes

Woman making her bed in the morning
There is no “cure” for addiction or destructive behaviors. It’s a process. It begins with making one small step today to get you closer to the future you want and deserve. And then, you’re able to use that positive momentum to propel you closer to achieving your personal and professional goals.

If you are looking to making a change in your life, rethink your current path and make a course correction towards sobriety, you can actually fuel that change with a lot of small, incremental steps along the way.

In order to successfully say “Goodbye” to your old life, one filled with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to make a build a positive foundation on which to build your new sober lifestyle.

For those courageous enough to pursue a new life and work towards their dreams, it may seem insurmountable at first. But, by making a few positive changes in your life today, you can use that growth to build a greater sense of pride, self-esteem and self-worth to make even more profound evolutions in your life.

(1) Make your bed every morning.
It may seem like a small thing, but the simple task of straightening your sheets and plumping your bed pillows can actually set you up for a more productive day. You’ll start your day with a sense of accomplishment, and even start to crave more organization in other parts of your life.

(2) Create a vision board. 
You may daydream about the life you’d like to have and the job that you’d like to have one day, but if you don’t have a daily reminder of your goals, it’s all too easy to get distracted and forget them. By creating a visual representation of what you are seeking, you are much more likely to pursue those passions and objectives.

(3) Set a goal to learn one new thing each week. 
If you’re in the process of making big changes in your life, it is all too easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to start small. Consider trying a different fitness class at your gym or try a new recipe that supports your goals of heathy eating.

Transitioning from Addiction to Recovery Can Start Today

Our Rise Up Program was created for women seeking additional care after primary treatment. If you are graduating from a stabilization program and realize you need more help, then this program is for you. Rise Up will help you establish your goals for the next 90 days for your sobriety and build on the healthy habits you’ve already begun. To learn more about Rising Roads Recovery, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Holistic Addiction Treatment and Running 101: Strategies for Beginners

Woman running on the beach as part of a holistic addiction treatment
Have you ever seen a running group jog by and wished that you could be that athletic, that active and that committed to your health? Well, you actually can. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete or a former high school track star to start forming new healthy habits like running.

And, many former addicts have found that running is a great addition to their new, sober lifestyle after quitting drugs or alcohol. It can help you manage anxiety (a common relapse trigger), boost your self- confidence and help control your weight.

If you are thinking about becoming a runner, here are a few proven strategies you can use to ease into it.

(1) Buy quality running shoes to avoid injuries. 
Did you know that buying the wrong size or shoes without the right support can increase your risk of developing a running injury? To protect your health, consider shopping at a store that specializes in selling running gear. In many instances, they can actually watch you jog to identify your form, stride and fitness level to recommend the right shoes for you.

(2) Keep a training log.
If you are starting a new running regimen, consider recording your mileage in a notebook or with a fitness app on your smart phone. That way, you can track your progress as you gradually increase the distance of each run and celebrate your fitness goals along the way.

(3) Don’t push yourself too hard or too quickly. 
This is one of the most common mistakes that new runners make – which can lead to burn-out and injuries. Remember that it takes time to build stamina and strength.

(4) Visit your doctor for a checkup.
Before you start any new type of exercise, it’s always a good idea to get approval from your doctor first. This is especially important if you’ve been sedentary for more than a year, are overweight or have a history of high blood pressure.

Boot Camps, Yoga and Exercise to Support Your Sobriety 

At Rising Roads Recovery, we understand that fighting addiction is more than simply giving up drugs and alcohol. It’s also about creating a new sober lifestyle that supports your health holistically. That’s why we offer a wide variety of fitness classes including boot camps, yoga and more to help with stress relief and strengthen your body during addiction recovery. To discover more about our drug and alcohol rehab, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The (Not So Secret) Art of Forging New Friendships

Women laughing together celebrating a friendship
If you’re traveling the road from addition to recovery, you’ve likely weathered many emotional storms along the way. Bouts of self-doubt, anxiety and depression may have riddled your past – likely serving as addiction triggers where you turned to drugs or alcohol to push down uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Though, it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to wake up with a hangover the morning after a stressful day or worry about failing a drug test at work. No matter where you are on your journey, you can learn to navigate life and discover healthy coping mechanisms to avoid turning to negative and destructive behaviors.

You may be surprised to learn that having a solid, supportive social network is actually one of the most powerful tools to boost your physical and mental well-being and reduce your risk of relapse. Research has shown that individuals with strong social relationships are less likely to die prematurely, experience less stress and report a greater quality of life.

And, it’s never too late in life to invest in growing your friend group – especially if you are working towards creating a new life – one free from addiction. If you’re interested in protecting your sobriety and searching for a more meaningful life – consider making your social networks more of a priority.

Here are a few tips to get started.

(1) Create a social routine. Most friendships are forged by consistently spending time within social networks. So, for new friendships to form, try joining some groups or clubs in your community that meet on a regular basis. That way, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know like-minded people and learn more about them over time.

(2) Invite “friends of friends” to hang out. Planning a dinner party or rounding up the crew for a Saturday morning yoga class? One of the best ways to meet new people is actually by extending your existing social networks.

(3) Volunteer for a cause you love. One way to meet people in your neighborhood and your community is by donating your time to a worthy cause. By working side-by-side cleaning up a community garden, fundraising for a local nonprofit or helping dogs and cats find a “forever home”, you’ll have the opportunity to meet new people who share the same interests and passions.

Learn More About Transitional Living 

At Rising Roads Recovery, we can help you find sobriety and learn new life skills to create a vibrant, fulfilling life – one that includes profoundly meaningful relationships with friends and family. We are here to help; we are here to plan, support, and love. To find out more about Rising Road Recovery’s transitional living program for women, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Is a Toxic Relationship Secretly Fueling Your Addiction?

Man and woman in a toxic relationship
If you are dealing with substance abuse issues, you are probably aware of the common triggers that increase your cravings – things like being in social situations where drugs and alcohol are present and emotional issues like anxiety and depression.

But, did you know that your significant other can potentially cause you to relapse? Toxic relationships – ones fueled by jealously, resentment and control – can increase your risk of using and abusing in an attempt to avoid reality and numb the painful emotions.

While it is normal to experience a few bumps on the road in any relationship, toxic relationships are very different in that the chronic “bad times” actually threaten your physical and mental well-being. If you on a path to recovery from a lifetime of addiction, take a few moments to inventory your current relationship to see if it is helping, or harming your sobriety.

3 Symptoms of Toxic Relationships 

(1) There is a cloud of jealousy and suspicion. Solid, healthy relationships are built on trust and faith in the other person. On the other hand, toxic relationships are often shrouded in distrust, lies and deceit. Does your partner often demand to see your phone or hack into your email?

(2) Excessive criticism. Does your partner find fault in everything you do? One hallmark of a healthy relationship is that you work to support each other using healthy forms of communication. In contrast, toxic relationships do quite the opposite – one or both partners feel like the other person consistently puts them down and erodes their self-esteem.

(3) Professional success and personal growth are frowned upon. One of the best parts of being in a healthy relationship is that you have someone to help you celebrate your accomplishments like achieving a weight-loss goal or getting that big promotion at work. In toxic relationships, partners often intentionally manipulate the other person by withholding praise and support. Does your partner regularly celebrate your success – or remain silent?

No relationship is perfect – it’s a given that you will both experience emotional highs and lows from time to time. But, it’s important to take a step back and reflect to see if your relationship is creating a barrier to achieving lasting sobriety. If so, it’s important to seek help from licensed addiction recovery support specialists that also offer comprehensive family and relationship counseling as part of their overall treatment.

Find Lasting Addiction Recovery and Healthier Relationships

At Rising Roads Recovery, we help women overcome their addiction issues and learn important communication skills and conflict resolution strategies to help build healthier relationships. Start your healthy life today by calling us at (866) 746-1558.