Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Real New Year's Resolutions from Real Women

For many women, the New Year often starts with an unrealistic self-improvement pledge. Yet resolutions like “I resolve to drop 20 pounds” or “give up sugar” are often hard to stick with over the long haul and they won’t necessarily strengthen your inner self and recovery journey. 

What’s more, according to the American Psychological Association, some overly ambitious resolutions made during the New Year only result in excess stress. Your best bet: Stick with simple and realistic resolutions. We scoured the web for some ideas from real women that might work for you

Resolve to stop apologizing. Do you tend to apologize for everything, even when you have nothing to be sorry for? "Everyone who knows me knows that 'I'm sorry' basically falls out of my mouth,” Devin, 23, of Manalapan, NJ, told  “I'm constantly apologizing for everything that happens around me. 'I'm sorry you walked into me on the subway! I'm sorry I need to ask my manager for guidance and might be disturbing her!' So this year, I'm going to own my shit and stop apologizing for things I don't have to apologize for."

Resolve to stop negative self-talk. “That negative inner voice that plants seeds of self-doubt is what I'd like to leave in the past,” Lauren, 27, of Atlanta, GA, told “It demotivates me, keeps me from enjoying the subsequent event, and wrecks my confidence at critical moments. I plan to put a more positive spin on my inner negativity… to encourage myself rather than tear myself down."

Resolve to say “no” without guilt. "It's very easy to find yourself in a position where saying 'no' to an event or to a request, or even putting yourself first, can ignite a sense of guilt,” Sheri, 29, Arlington, VA, told This year, however, I will commit to the things that I have the capacity for and the desire to do, and confidently say no, otherwise."

Resolve to begin the day with "me" time. "Last year was full of anxiety… I knew I needed a change in order to be a better person and be more present in my life," Trinity S. Perkins, of Woodbridge, VA, told "I resolved to enjoy some 'me time' first thing every morning — even if only for 10 minutes. I'll do things like lie in bed and take note of things I'm grateful for, put my phone on 'do not disturb' until I've finished my morning workout, and read for pleasure while enjoying my morning coffee.” 

Women and Addiction Recovery
At Rising Roads Recovery, we know that every woman who comes to us is incredibly unique and needs to be treated that way. One size does not fit all – and one future does not work for everyone. To learn more about our addiction treatment programs, call 866-746-1558. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Being Grateful This Holiday Season

While gratitude is an important part of your day to day recovery, it can also play a pretty powerful role in helping you manage the holiday season. And we don’t just mean being grateful for the gifts that you receive. 

The holidays can be tough for those of us in recovery – whether you’re missing friends and family or struggling with some intense (and even unexpected) emotions this time of year – and a gratitude-filled approach for handling it all can help. 

After all, having an attitude of gratitude has been linked with less anxiety, fewer toxic emotions, increased happiness and better sleep. Plus, recognizing all that you have to be thankful for –especially during stressful times – can help foster resilience.

Here are a few ways to practice gratitude this holiday season:
  • Start a gratitude routine. Each evening, write down three good things about your day  –and you’ll soon see that there are plenty of large and small blessings to count.
  • Focus on the sunny side. The next time you feel overwhelmed by stress, gently guide your focus back to one thing for which you feel grateful. If it helps, jot it down on paper and display it prominently as a visual reminder of how you want to feel this holiday season. The more you practice, the easier it will become overtime to be a thankful person.
  • Go public. Pick one thing you’re grateful for this week and post it on your social media or in a forum on an online support group. This will help reinforce your attitude of gratitude.
  • Be thankful for things that haven’t yet happened. Sure, it’s nice to count your blessing for today – but what about being grateful for all of those wonderful things ahead in your new sober life? Give this idea from a try: “Close your eyes and imagine that you’re standing on a carpet of gratitude. Imagine that you’re walking down the carpet past all the wonderful experiences that await you: a dream job, your wedding day, the birth of your child, a trip to Paris. By thanking the universe for blessings in advance, you’ll develop a sense of gratitude even when things don’t seem to be going your way.”
Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy and gratitude!

Grateful for Female Support
Our "sisters in recovery" are ready and willing to support you through the upcoming holidays. At Rising Roads, women can be fearful, supported, and courageous at the same time. To learn more about our gender-specific rehab, call us today: 866-746-1558. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tips to Avoid Holiday Depression

Feelings of sadness and negative mood affect many people at the holidays, and those battling a dual diagnosis of depression and addiction are at heightened risk. What’s more, the season also exacerbates loneliness, which is a known relapse trigger and can certainly add to depression.

Despite these not-so-merry facts, the holidays can be (and should be) a time of joy and happiness – and a great opportunity to reflect on the many things you have to be grateful for this season. 

The Mayo Clinic offers these tips to help you avoid depression and embrace the holiday spirit this season.
  • Acknowledge your feelings.  Just because it's the holiday season, it doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically be happy. You are still entitled to your range of emotions, so take time to cry or express your feelings and then try to move forward.
  • Stay connected. Now isn’t the time to isolate yourself. Lean on your friends, family members and recovery sisters this time of year. Volunteering to help others is also a great way to lift your spirits and be part of something special.
  • Set realistic expectations. The new, sober you might not be up for old traditions and rituals and that’s okay. Be open to creating new ways to celebrate the holidays. Along the same lines, don’t get bogged down by perfectionism. Just focus on doing the best you can with what you have.
  • Learn to say no. Your recovery should be number-one on your to-do list, so keep this in mind when you decide which holiday commitments you can and cannot keep this year. Saying “no” isn’t selfish; it’s a matter of self-preservation. 
  • Don't abandon healthy habits. In fact, sleep, exercise, diet and stress management are perhaps your biggest allies against holiday depression.
  • Take a breather. Make time for yourself – even if it’s just 15 minutes to slow down and restore your inner calm. Some ideas: Meditate, take a walk, listen to soothing music, get a massage, read a book. 
  • Seek professional help. If you feel persistently sad or anxious, plagued by physical complaints, unable to sleep, irritable and hopeless, and unable to face everyday chores, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional.
The Gift of Recovery
Perhaps the best gift you can give to yourself this season is to seek help if you or someone you love is struggling with a co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder. At Rising Roads Recovery, we can help you find sobriety and learn new life skills to create a vibrant, fulfilling life – one that includes profoundly meaningful relationships with friends and family. We are here to plan, support, and love. To find out more about Rising Road Recovery’s treatment program for women, call today: 866-746-1558.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Is Self-Care on Your Holiday To-do List?

For most of us, the holidays can stir up a mix of emotions – from gratefulness and glee to anxiety and stress. And in order to get through the season and safeguard your sobriety, you’ll need to be sure to charge your emotional and energetic reserves – and this starts with self-care.  

No, it’s not selfish to pay attention to your personal wellness this time of year. In fact, it’s crucial to your recovery. Plus, it will enable you to better enjoy the holidays and love of those around you. 

Get started with these self-care tips:
  • Make healthy habits routine. Try your best to stick to a sleep schedule, exercise regularly, eat a healthful diet and practice relaxation techniques – these self-care strategies are key to managing holiday stress. 
  • Mind your emotions. Self-care is more than just how much you eat or exercise, it also means paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, expectations and interactions. 
  • Remember your priorities: Take the pressure off of yourself by focusing only on the most important tasks – even if that means you can’t satisfy all of the holiday demands.
  • Create new traditions: If attending booze-laden family affairs, for instance, creates more stress than joy, take a step back and figure out a new family tradition. 
  • Lean on female friends. We’ve mentioned before about the many health perks of female friends, including increased optimism and decreased stress. Make time to get together with your sisters in recovery this season.
  • Just breathe: We all tend to hold our breath in times of stress, so stop and exhale. Taking, deep, mindful breaths throughout the day will help to keep your mind and body relaxed and focused.  
Begin Recovery at Rising Roads 
There’s no “right or wrong” season to begin on the journey toward sobriety. If you feel as if it’s time for a new beginning, don’t let the holidays stand in your way. To learn more about our gender-specific rehab, call us today: 866-746-1558.