Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Mindful Eating: Replenishing Your Body During Recovery

Woman eating lunch at a cafe
“Never eat carbs after 7:00 PM!” “Always, ask your server if the fish is farm-raised or wild-caught!” You can’t eat ice cream and stay skinny.”

Why is it that so many diets and articles about nutrition only emphasize what you can (and can’t) eat – and to extremes? These days, it can be overwhelming (and downright confusing at times) to know what to eat and what to steer clear of in the grocery aisles.

But, it doesn’t have to be that hard. Many nutritionists recommend a more holistic approach, mindful eating. It’s all about getting back to the basics of eating well – and most importantly, being thoughtful about it. Truly enjoying a meal and taking the time relish all of the textures and sweet and savory flavors.

By taking the time to get in tune with your body and understand when you’re hungry and savor the food you’re eating, you can reduce your risk of eating too much. And, that’s an especially important skill to learn while on a journey to addiction recovery. It can help you sidestep the risk of eating to fill the emotional void that addiction once occupied while also helping you consciously replenish your system with the right foods during and after detox.

Want to stop mindless snacking and start becoming more mindful about what you eat? Here are three tips to help you get started.

(1) Put away your phone and turn off the TV. 
A big part of mindfulness is all about being tuned in to what you’re doing and tuning out the distractions. Before you sit down to eat dinner, take a quick look around. What might interrupt your meal? Get up and turn it down or turn it off before you pick up your fork.

(2) Take a seat at your dining room table, not your coffee table. 
Eating something great, with your friends and family by your side is something worth relishing. It may sound trivial, but the mere act of enjoying a meal with others, can help you appreciate what you’re eating a little bit more.

(3) Skip the drive thru for the grocery aisle. 
When you take the time to cook something, you’re not only enjoying the meal, you’re also enjoying the entire process. From shopping, to prepping to putting the meal together, you’re embracing (and appreciating!) the process from A to Z.

Embracing New Life Skills During Transitional Residential Care 

Our Rise Up Program was created for women seeking additional care after primary treatment. If you are graduating from a stabilization program and realize you need more help, then this program is for you. During transitional residential care, you’ll learn critical life skills for independent living including nutritional guidance, healthy coping skills, relapse prevention strategies and more. To learn more, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

3 Reasons Why Doctors Should Prescribe a Daily Dose of Gratitude

Practicing gratitude at Thanksgiving
Instinctively, you know that being grateful for what you have just feels right. When you think about how fortunate you are, you’re more apt have a brighter outlook, be more productive at work and have more energy throughout the day.

And, for those pursuing a new life free from addiction – the benefits are much more profound. Filling your heart with gratitude can reduce your risk of relapse too. But, did you know that the benefits of practicing gratitude can go much deeper than that? Multiple scientific studies have proven that it can do wonders for your health overall.

In addition to helping you walk towards a life of sobriety, practicing gratitude on a regular basis can help boost your emotional, psychological and physical health too.

If you need a bit of encouragement to start making more time for gratitude in your routine, here are three reasons to help you get inspired and give it a try!

(1) You’ll feel better about yourself. 

It’s a fact. We could all benefit from a boost in self-esteem from time to time. And, gratitude can help you do just that. In fact, in a 2014 study that appeared in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, athletes who practiced gratitude on a regular basis reported higher levels of self-esteem.

(2) Your heart will thank you.

Literally. In recent study, researchers compared the rates of heart damage among two groups of adults – those that practiced gratitude frequently and another cohort that didn’t. They found that heart damage was substantially lower among those with higher levels of gratitude. That same group also reaped even more health benefits including more positive moods, less inflammation and better quality sleep.

(3) You’re more likely to make heathy choices at the dinner table. 
You might be surprised to know that the simple act of giving thanks also correlates to better nutrition. One study actually found that people who keep gratitude journals have reduced dietary fat intakes up to 25 percent lower than those who do not.

Practicing gratitude on a regular basis can help improve your quality of life in lots of ways and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Grab a notebook, find a quiet spot and write down a few things (and people!) you are thankful for today.

Reduce Your Risk of Relapse by Learning New Life Skills

Rising Roads Recovery wants to help you educate yourself on your very own patterns. Addiction is a chronic disease and a previous relapse does not mean failure – nor is relapse necessary for long-term recovery. Just like everyone’s recovery plan looks different, so does everyone’s relapse avoidance plan. You have a unique history that needs to be accounted for in your plan. And we’re here to help; we’re here to plan, support, and love. To learn more, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Happiness Checklist: 3 Ways You Can Practice Positivity

Happy Woman Smiling
They are easy to spot. In crowded restaurants, you can hear their laughter break through the din and chatter of fellow patrons. At the office, they are always ready to lend a helping hand to coworkers and never seem to complain. Why is it that some people seem to exude an aura of perpetual happiness while others find it hard to just get by?

While some are lucky enough to be born with a “congenial gene”, many people have learned how to build their lifestyle in a way that reduces their risk of depression, improves their quality of life and boosts their positivity.

If you are on a journey to addiction recovery, you may periodically experience self-doubt, guilt and depression, but you can learn how to support your emotional health and reduce your risk of relapse. By adopting a few of the most common strategies that many happy people use to boost their mood, you can improve your outlook on life and become more positive about your future and your sobriety.

(1) Prioritize your social connections. 
Multiple studies have shown that meaningful relationships with friends and family members can offer a wide variety of mental and physical health benefits. Researchers have found that individuals who are socially isolated with limited face-to-face social contact are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression.

(2) Practice gratitude.
Individuals who experience gratitude on a regular basis are more likely to be confident and happy with their lives and report feeling less stress. Want to incorporate more gratitude in your life? Set your alarm 15 minutes early each day and make a simple list of the things, experiences and people that you appreciate.

(3) Develop healthy coping mechanisms. 
You might think that the people around you who seem happy were dealt a better hand. But, that may not be the case. They may just be addressing issues in a different way. While everyone is on a different journey in life, it’s important to exercise healthy coping mechanisms when problems pop up. Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol, use positive strategies to work through the situation.

Learn More About Addiction Recovery Treatment for Women 

At Rising Roads Recovery, we can help you find sobriety and learn new life skills to create a vibrant, fulfilling life – one that includes profoundly meaningful relationships with friends and family. We are here to help; we are here to plan, support, and love. To find out more about Rising Road Recovery’s treatment program for women, call today: (866) 746-1558.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nurturing Yourself During Recovery: 4 Tips for Boosting Your Body Image

Woman with sunglasses smiling
When you look in the mirror, you probably think about how you look. But, do you ever take the time to think about the way you feel about your body? Living a healthy, well-balanced life is an important part of addiction recovery and that also includes maintaining a positive body image. While it may not come naturally to you, you can learn how to become less critical of yourself, resist stereotypes and become more comfortable in your own skin.

If you are in the process of creating a new, addiction-free life, you can support your sobriety by simply boosting your self-esteem and cultivating a healthier relationship with yourself.

Want to change the way you think about your body and stop the negativity? Here are four ways you can take charge of how you judge – YOU!

(1) Focus on what your body can do, instead of simply what it looks like. 
Instead of judging yourself on arbitrary measures like your weight, try to reframe your thinking to take a more holistic approach. The next time you are going for a walk or riding your bike in the park, take a moment to appreciate all the things you can do.

(2) Prioritize health and fitness, not a number on the scale. 
If you want to build a healthier relationship with your body, think about creating goals that are related to improving your overall health like running a 5K, eating more fruits and vegetables or lowering your cholesterol.

(3) Limit negative self-talk. 
The next time you catch yourself being overly critical of your appearance, replace those thoughts with more positive statements. Instead of “I hate my thighs” or “I look old” take a moment to appreciate what you do love about your body.

(4) Abolish “perfectionism”. 
When you find yourself being overly judgmental about your appearance, consider if you are holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of what you think is attractive. Would you judge a friend that same way?

Learn More About Transitional Living 

Recovery is challenging and is more than just being physically sober. Recovery includes physical as well as emotional and spiritual healing. We can help you cultivate a life free from addiction by nurturing your mind, body and spirit. To find out more about our addiction treatment services including Rising Road Recovery’s transitional living program for women, call (866) 746-1558. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

4 Ways to Get More Confident About Cooking and Love Being in the Kitchen!

Woman cooking as part of an addiction recovery program
One surprising side-effect of sobriety? More trips to the grocery store.

If you’re on the path to recovery, you’ll likely start craving whole foods instead of the #3 combo meal. So, why the change in appetite? Your hunger for healthier fare, packed with vitamins and nutrients, is likely a signal that your body needs to repair itself and flush the toxins that have been built up in your system.

Are you working to quit the behaviors of addiction and a dependency on drugs or alcohol? Cooking at home can help you do just that – and in a lot of different ways. The simple act of preparing a meal can help you build self-esteem and a greater sense of independence. And, you’ll become more conscious of what you’re putting in your body.

But, if your cooking chops are a little rusty, you can learn new recipes and culinary skills at any age. With practice and a little coaching, you can make your kitchen an extension of your addiction recovery plan.

Here are 4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in the Kitchen 

(1) Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store.
To get started, keep it simple and start with healthy ingredients. Most grocery stores stock processed foods in the center aisles. Stick to the outer areas of the store where you can find fresh produce, meat, fish and dairy items.

(2) Make it a social event.
If you’re interested in learning how to cook, chances are, your friends are too. Ask your friends to help you host an interactive dinner party where you pick a healthy recipe to make (and enjoy) together as a group.

(3) Start with just a few ingredients. 
When you’re starting a new habit, like cooking, it’s always smart to start small. To avoid getting overwhelmed, look for recipes that have just a handful of ingredients. That way, you’ll have less prep work, measuring and cleanup in the kitchen.

(4) Get inspired! 
Cooking should be more than just a chore. It can grow into a fulfilling hobby and a source of pride. To get started, you first need to get inspired. There are a lot of great (and free!) websites that not only offer step-by-step recipes, but also include fantastic photos of the finished product. By taking the time to research new recipes online, you can find new motivation to get in the kitchen.

Cooking Classes and Nutritional Guidance 

As part of our holistic approach to addiction rehab, we offer weekly nutrition courses, in addition to shopping preparation and cooking classes. At Rising Roads Recovery, we aim to fix old patterns and replace them with a healthy relationship with food. If the client feels they need additional help from our Registered Dietician, additional support will be arranged. Reach out today by calling us at (866) 746-1558.

Welcome Mike Robertson, National Outreach Representative!

I am pleased to announce that the Rising Roads Recovery family is expanding once again as Mike Robertson joins us as the National Outreach Representative. In this newly created position, Mike will focus on expanding our reach to help even more women on a courageous path to sobriety. 
Since the inception of Rising Roads Recovery, I have been searching for opportunities to help me find more space to do what I love the most – help women. With the addition of Mike, I will be able to spend less time traveling, and more time working directly with our amazing staff and clientele. 
As the National Outreach Representative, Mike will be responsible for marketing and public relations initiatives and will serve as the primary liaison for Rising Roads Recovery at conferences and networking events nationwide.
Driven by a passion to help others, Mike began working in the chemical dependency and mental health field and has dedicated his career to helping those on a journey to lasting sobriety. By partnering with other industry-leading substance abuse recovery advocates, Mike has cultivated an extensive knowledge base regarding local and national treatment centers, eating disorder programs, wilderness and therapeutic schools. 
As a trusted authority and highly regarded by his peers in the treatment field, Mike brings with him a wealth of experience and a dedication to ethical treatment marketing.
On a personal note, Mike is a native to Southern California and enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and children. In his spare time, he is also an avid fisherman and photographer.
I am blessed and honored to have Mike join our team and we look forward to working together to help even more women and their families travel a healing path to long-term recovery.

About Rising Roads Recovery
At Rising Roads, we believe that lasting sobriety requires you to have a life you're not willing to give up. Creating this life takes a combination of Eastern and Western philosophies and care plans as well as 12-step participation. Our mission is to provide a program where this is not only possible but is probable. Let the road rise up to meet you. Reach out today by calling us at (866) 746-1558.